I will personally take on any type of situation. I do all types of training from your puppy basics to specific task training. I specialize in all areas of aggression. I have extensive experience in rehabilitating dogs that are aggressive towards people and/or animals. I do not turn away any situation. Every situation is different because every dog is different. I do not send out any other trainers, I am the person you will get to help you.
My training methods are different to most trainers nowadays. A lot of trainers believe in the use of shock collars and prong collars. I have worked with some of the most difficult dogs going, and have never had to resort to any of these ways. The problem is the internet and television are flooded with different methods, information and tools. Most of the information you will find and hear all contradicts itself. A lot of times I find that there is a misunderstanding between the dog and owner. Without scaring or inflicting pain on your dog, I can help you to establish respect, build a bond, learn to communicate and work as a team.
I am always avaliable to speak over the phone, and I am always avaliable to help on anyway that I can and that goes for any resuce, individual or breeder.

Board and Train
We offer board and train on a first come, first serve basis. When your dog(s) board with us, they recieve top of the line care and don't suffer the same stresses that come with your average kennel. Our guests do not stay in kennels, they each recieve their own suite which of course is completely dog safe. In addition to the rooms that they stay in, our boarders get 4 30 minute play sessions on our fully fenced acre property. Please contact Tuncay.
*Space fills quickly, so please book your dog(s) stay as early as possible!*
Board and Train is not the ultimate fix it is a kick start in the right direction and is up to the owners to continue on the work I have done under my guidance.