
Boundaries Boundaries
Written by Susan Kopek
I never thought my out of control mastiff would be able to be tamed. When T Walked in her reaction was priceless. She bit him ran away and when she saw T was not moving she was almost floored. T then taught her all the boundaries that we wanted but then he took the time to actually teach us how to enforce them. T is an exception to the rules. Like he says there is no Bible to dog training. AMAZING!!!!!
Dog living with our Cat
Written by Jane
We called Tuncay in desperation as we recently aquired a dog that showed up sick on our lawn. He was used for bait but very friendly. We could not get him to get used to the cat. After speaking with Tuncay he was confident he could make it happen. After 4 sessions they both live together. I can not be happier. Thank you T for all you do.
Dogs Fighting
Written by Janet
Tuncay came as a savior. For years we lived as prisoners to our dogs. Within 3 sessions our dogs were all back together to enjoy their golden years after so many years apart
Written by Bill Hafnek
Correction Command and Praise. T came to my house and showed me how to handle my dogs and establish ultimate leadership. I was impressed and shocked all at the same time.
Ultimate Leadership
Written By Angelo
Just wanted to say a big thank you to T for all the work he does. He showed us how to establish leadership and also understand balance and not to put a band aid over the issue. He addressed the issues head on and I have to say I was very pleased with the results. I highly recommend him to everyone.
Job Well Done
Written by Donna
T understands. He is compassionate and is not judgemental. He asessed our situation and worked on all our dog issues. He understood and worked hard. We then attended his Sunday class and was shocked he ran it for free. This is someone who gives back to the community. A very rare find. Very unselfish. Amazing Trainer!